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Award for 30 years of ISO 9001 certification

[Translate to EN:] Quality Austria-Auditoren Christian Eckardt (links) und Lothar Hausegger (rechts), in der Mitte DI Roman Bock, MSc, Geschäftsführer der BECOM Group
In May 2023, a ceremonial handover took place at which the BECOM site in Burgenland was certified according to ISO 9001 for the thirtieth time.

ISO 9001 certification for quality assurance is of great importance for every company. The aim of quality management is to continuously improve work processes and company management. To emphasize the importance of quality and continuous improvement, BECOM has received several awards and other certificates.

"High quality standards are firmly embedded in our corporate culture, which is why we have proudly held the ISO 9001 certificate for 30 years. We are pleased to receive the award from Quality Austria, which was presented to us today by Quality Austria auditors Lothar Hausegger and Christian Eckardt," emphasize DI Roman Bock, MSc, Managing Director of BECOM Group and Alexander Höller, Quality Manager of BECOM Group.

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